College News & Events


August 13, 2021

Many thanks once again to everyone for the fabulous contributions at Chisholm this week.

Our NAIDOC Week celebrations were highlighted with a real treat for staff at lunchtime on Thursday with freshly made kangaroo stew and warm damper with jam and cream. The extensive Aboriginal Art display for the past few days in the Graham Cooney Centre was also a fabulous presentation that added to the week.

Thank you also to all of the staff who joined in the fun and supported our Senior Students’ Quiz Night last Friday, full of colour, fancy dress and a 4.5 kilo block of Toblerone. Languages Week also featured various activities and more food!

The last three evenings have seen many dedicated musicians coming into the College from many Catholic secondary schools to perform in front of parents and families as part of the Catholic Performing Arts Festival. Chisholm kindly agreed to host the Big Band/Jazz section of this year’s Festival in our Auditorium across Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and the quality of performances was excellent all round. I saw many outstanding performances on the Monday and Wednesday night and was particularly proud of our own Chisholm Showband that set an exceptionally high standard. Thank you to Mr Eble for being the MC and to our Music teachers and students and volunteers for once again supporting the Arts here and across the system.

And this is certainly the time of the year when Visual Arts also gets into full swing. This year’s Angelico Art Exhibition for Catholic Education has launched with artwork on display at the Forest Centre on St George’s Terrace in the CBD until 27 August. At least six students from Chisholm have had pieces chosen for display and we look forward to hearing more about the outcome of the Angelico Awards judging, in the days ahead. All of the works I’ve seen emerging in the past weeks from our Art studios have once again been very impressive. Some of the portraiture especially, are exceptional.

Next week – Science week!

Mr John Bormolini

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