College News & Events

FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Quality Catholic Education

August 27, 2021

Recently Catholic Education Western Australia launched its most recent revision of our system’s strategic framework. Now known as Quality Catholic Education (QCE) this conceptual framework identifies and outlines the key important elements that characterise who we are and how we operate in our Catholic schools.

Essentially, much of what we have come to expect in our strong Catholic educational sector remains but there is greater emphasis on the notion of connected autonomy, meaning that whilst our schools have a significant level of autonomy and the ability to make decisions for their own community and context, we are still part of a wider, connected network of Catholic Education schools across our whole state, which is quite unique compared to the Eastern states of Australia. 

At the heart of QCE is the foundation and vision for our Catholic schools where our work and purpose is always “Christ-centred and Child-focused.” Our new College website will soon carry some illustrated material in regard to the new QCE framework.

Mr John Bormolini

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