College News & Events

ONSITE 2021 Wrap Up

September 17, 2021

And that’s a wrap! Our students have now finished up at their work placements for the year, and what a year it’s been. Our TAFE students are almost finished too, with one more block of work experience or TAFE to go.

I have absolutely loved stepping into the ONSITE Coordinator role this year and seeing how much our students have grown and succeeded at their work placements. Many of our students who have secured apprenticeships or traineeships already, are excited about starting work in the real world soon. Our students have done a phenomenal job and I have loved hearing such great reports from their supervisors, like this one.

“I just wanted to let you know how wonderful Lateisha Thomas was during her ONSITE at Our Lady of Assumption. She was a great ambassador for Chisholm. It was very sad to have to say goodbye to her today. The kids loved having her. She worked beautifully with the kids and was a great help to the teachers. No job was too small for her and she was enthusiastic in all she did. I would recommend her to any position she wanted to apply for. A wonderful young woman with a great work ethic. Thanks for the opportunity to have her in my room. We really did love having her!”

I would like to thank all of the businesses below for hosting Chisholm students this semester and for making their time at work such a valuable experience.

If you have not enrolled in ONSITE for 2022 and are considering it, please send me an email

Miss Jodie Reynolds
Acting ONSITE Coordinator

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