College News & Events

Opening Mass and Student Leaders’ Induction

February 9, 2024

It was an absolute honour to present our 2024 Prefects and Assistant Prefects to the Chisholm community and officially induct them into their leadership positions on Wednesday after our whole school Opening Mass. Our Assistant Prefects confidently introduced their Year 12 Prefects with pride. Our Head Boy, Xavier Scott and Head Girl, Josie Allen, eloquently addressed the whole College, welcoming the Year 7s, encouraging the Year 12s and pledging their commitment to “work hard to uphold the school Values to build upon the legacy of those who preceded us.” Speaking on behalf of the Student Leaders, they committed “to creating opportunities for personal and academic growth, promoting inclusivity and a nurturing environment that encourages individuality.” 

Our Student Leaders have already been implementing their leadership duties with dedication, enthusiasm and zeal, demonstrating the important leadership qualities of team building and role modelling. We warmly congratulate them and wish them all the very best in the year ahead!

In addition to being Prefects, there are many leadership opportunities at Chisholm. Year 7-12 House Representatives will be elected over the coming weeks and will each join and work with one of the Student Committees. Mrs Zimarino and the Student Wellbeing Committee will be running a sign-up opportunity for ALL students of the College on Friday 16 February at lunchtime, where students can learn more about the student committees and nominate to join one that interests them.

Mrs Fiona Millimaci
Deputy Principal – Wellbeing

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