College News & Events

Presentation Night Information

November 16, 2023

The Chisholm Catholic College Annual Presentation Night is our awards night and the most significant formal occasion of the year.

It is an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the school year and acknowledge outstanding student achievement in all courses.  

As is our tradition, only the Year 7 cohort are required to attend, together with award winners and other students with specific roles in the evening.

Those students will be allocated their seat by the College. However, families and other students wishing to attend are most welcome and ticket information is found below:

Date: Monday 27 November 2023. 

Times: 7pm until approximately 9pm. 

Venue: Perth Concert Hall.

Students Dress: College Dress Uniform – for all students in attendance.

Award Winners: Will be notified by Mrs Nicole Huggins.

Students Involvement: All Year 7s, all award winners, Prefects, Assistant Prefects and musicians.

Rehearsals: Will take place during the school day on Monday 27 November for all Year 7s, award winners, Prefects, Assistant Prefects and musicians involved.  

Students are to wear College Summer uniform for rehearsal. Students and parents will be notified via Consent2Go.

Tickets: Staff and students directly involved do not need to purchase a ticket.

For others, tickets will be available via:

Mr John Swindells
Deputy Principal – Mission

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