Twenty twenty-four has been another very busy year in the life of Chisholm, the 35th in our ongoing journey and history.
The end of this year allows all who have a hand in steering or supporting the College, to pause and take stock of this latest busy year that has once again raced by. In reflecting, I believe there is much that points to the continued focus on further improvement and a clear approach to gaining the best experience and outcomes for our students.
I think it is well known that great diversity and a large range of educational opportunity continues to characterise who we are. But we do this alongside embracing our values and with care and commitment towards all of our students and our Mission. I believe it makes this special educational environment one of real quality.
We continue to adapt and move towards more contemporary educational delivery in a considered fashion. Responding to the greater needs around wellbeing and care for those in our community continues to see much attention in this challenging space.
At Chisholm, we know that student wellbeing and engagement is directly related to positive outcomes and with it, success through our core work in teaching and learning. A significant part of that is resilience and the dedication to work through tough times, understanding that many of life’s important lessons come through hard work.
The true value-adding that our College has consistently provided for our students and community is undeniable. Our work and efforts academically, in the arts, in sport, in spiritual and leadership development, remain as real strengths. Through these experiences and learning, we continue to meet our students at whatever point they are on in their journey through to young adults and ultimately future ongoing success in career and life.
In 2024, we have enriched and supplemented our teaching and learning endeavours through further immersion experiences and tours both interstate and internationally, in languages, in music, in continual development and awareness in Aboriginal education, in new initiatives in STEM education, through cadetships developing Aboriginal staff and through significant contributions in Outreach through Chisholm Care, such as Brother Olly’s Wheelchairs for Kids programme and this is but to name a few.
Notwithstanding the challenges, Chisholm Catholic College continues to be an amazing place with outstanding people, committed as a community to a meaningful, secondary education. Our greatest challenge beyond our 35th year and into the future will be to not take all of it for granted but instead to continue to build on the strong legacy and foundation of those that have gone before.
My personal thanks to everyone associated with our work at Chisholm this year, either as a dedicated individual and supporter, as part of a team or group or at broad community level. I remain as always, very grateful.
Thank you all and God bless you.
Mr John Bormolini