College News & Events

Public Health Measures Eased For Term 2

April 1, 2022

(Stock photo)

From the Government of Western Australia

In line with mask-wearing and physical distancing requirements:

  • Parents allowed on school sites outside of classrooms, including for year group assemblies, school pick-up and drop-off, face to face parent-teacher meetings and volunteering
  • In-school special events can resume
  • Parents can spectate at indoor and outdoor sporting events, performances and other interschool events
  • Single year-group assemblies can be held
  • Parents and carers can visit residential facilities with proof of vaccination (if required)
  • Gatherings of parents/carers (such as P&Cs) can resume 

Note: Parents must wear masks on school grounds and comply with relevant capacity and density limits.

More information can be found at

Mr John Bormolini

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