College News & Events

STEM MAD National Competition – “Best Engineering Secondary”

November 2, 2023

The finalists in the STEM MAD National Competition were announced in Melbourne in an online event on Wednesday 1 November. I’m thrilled to announce that Chisholm Catholic College and the Earthquakes Project were successful in the “Best Engineering Secondary” category! Whilst not winning the whole category, this Project was named in the top three schools nationally!

This is a massive achievement for the College and, particularly, the Science Learning Area! I’m very proud of the work our team of students and staff did to put this video entry together in a very short period of time. A link to the video is attached below and is well worth a look!

In particular, much thanks must go to the Year 9 students who starred in the video: Mitchell Glover, Lola Di Dio, Thomas Gregory, Sophie Christie, Christian Campbell and Madeleine Adams. A mention must also be made of Jai de Bono, who also worked hard on the video presentation but was unable to appear in it.

Also, thanks to Mr D’Amico for creating this Project and making sure that the information imparted by the video hit the competition criteria. Finally, thanks to Sr Chau and Mr Ieritano for creating the video itself in such a brilliant manner.

Mr Paul Shanahan
Head of Learning Area – Science

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