College News & Events

Student Leaders’ Training Day

February 3, 2022

On Monday 24 January our Prefects and Assistant Prefects were back on campus for a workshop and planning day. The focus of the day for Student Leaders was identifying the needs of their House and planning for special events throughout the year. It was also a great opportunity for them to continue to bond as a team and get to know each other a lot better. Special thanks to ex-student Ronan McGinniss from Grip Leadership for facilitating the day for us.

A few take-aways from the leadership day were:

  • Exploring the different ways to lead
  • Making the most of leadership opportunities
  • Thinking about what their leadership legacy will be
  • Brainstorming ways their house can be one that is seen and heard

We can’t wait to see what exciting things this group will bring to our 2022 school year!

Mrs Belinda Pietropaolo
Acting Deputy Principal – Wellbeing

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