I think we can speak for all the Prefects and Assistant Prefects when we say that we absolutely loved the social night at Rosemount Bowls last Friday.
The evening gave us an opportunity to talk to and bond with our fellow student leaders away from the stress and structure of our usual meetings. It was a night of friendly competition and some great sportsmanship, we all definitely bonded over the frustration of a ball heading straight to the gutter!
The best part of the night however wasn’t actually about the bowling, but about how appreciated and accepted we all felt. No matter how badly our bowl turned out to be, regardless of if we had got a strike or a miss, we were always greeted with a loud cheer by our fellow student leaders, as if we were all professional bowling ball players! The memories made that night with our fellow Prefects are ones we will always remember.
Lola Vecchio – Prefect
Mia Devellerez – Assistant Prefect