College News & Events

Student Leaders’ Camp

December 10, 2021

Thursday and Friday this week saw our 2022 Student Leaders-Elect gather for the annual camp.  Over the two days, students have learnt many leaderships skills including time to lead, how to lead peers and the qualities and skills of a good leader.  In addition, they have completed many team building games to demonstrate the importance of strong communication, roles in teams and perseverance.  They were allocated their portfolios for the 2022 school year and this included a special evening on Thursday where the 2021 Student Leaders and Staff Committee Leaders joined the camp to pass on their wisdom, experience and advice to start the planning for leading their portfolio events.  The camp concluded with a Paraliturgy with an emphasis on servant leadership with Jesus as our model and teacher. 

A special thanks to former Head Boy, Ronan McGuinniss, for once again running our camp and helping to form our new group of leaders.  The student leaders were also very grateful to Miss Anderson who visited us at camp on Thursday afternoon to run a pool session so they could cool off in the heat.

2022 Head Boy – Owen Koroll
2022 Head Girl – Aaliyah Frew

Arts Committee – Myles White & Amelie Luna

Community Relations Committee – Ella Harris & Ruben Dewitt

Environment Committee – Rooney Nguyen & Lola Vecchio

Liturgy Committee – Cyril Mathew & Isabelle Lyra

Social Justice Committee – Ermilio Lomma & Bianca De Mello

Sport Committee – Raphael Martino & Josie Allen

Student Wellbeing Committee – Andrew Bird & Josie McAllister

Keenan House – Oscar Palmer & Elizabeth Coelho

Laurence House – Charles Luther Cabaltera & Rawija Balasooriya

O’Sullivan House – Eloise Lambert & Rhiannan Eva

Prendiville House – Elise Werndly & Marcus Petrolo

Mrs Nicole Huggins and Mrs Belinda Pietropaolo

Deputy Principals – Wellbeing

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