College News & Events

Student Leaders’ Induction

February 11, 2022

The Student Leaders’ Induction ceremony held on Wednesday morning looked quite different to previous years. We gathered in small numbers yet creatively prioritised this important event for the 2022 Leaders of our College. We congratulate our leaders who will serve the College as Head Boy and Head Girl, Prefects and Assistant Prefects.

Following their investiture, the student leaders worked on a video they are hoping to share with the community next week called ‘Introducing the 2022 Student Leaders’. We look forward to seeing this and many other initiatives from this group of daring leaders as the year progresses. 


Head Boy: Owen Koroll
Head Girl: Aaliyah Frew



Andrew Bird
Raphael Martino
Oscar Palmer
Charles Luther Cabaltera
Aaliyah Frew
Ermilio Lomma
Owen Koroll
Eloise Lambert
Cyil Mathew
Ella Harris
Elise Werndly
Myles White

Josie Allen
Elizabeth Coelho
Ruben Dewitt
Rawija Balasooriya
Josie McAllister
Lola Vecchio
Rhiannan Eva
Isabelle Lyra
Rooney Nguyen
Bianca De Mello
Amelie Luna
Marcus Petrolo

Mrs Belinda Pietropaolo
Acting Deputy Principal – Wellbeing


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