College News & Events

The Tangible Benefits of Team Building

July 22, 2022

Henry Ford, American industrialist, and founder of the Ford Motor Company once said “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”

True to this quote, it is a known fact that individually you are one drop, but together you are an ocean.

From something as big as running a country to something as small as doing a simple College project, teamwork is the main factor that determines the success of the goal.

Participating in team activities can help students develop essential communication and collaboration skills while preparing them for success inside and outside of the classroom. After two fairly ‘blah’ terms (because of COVID) our student prefect body hit ‘Rosemount Bowl’ on Wednesday night for two games of bowling along with a dinner where we shared each other’s company and talked about the upcoming Prefect-led events.  

This group have so many exciting events planned for Term 3 and they can’t wait to share all the joy they have with our community. Stay tuned…

Mrs Belinda Pietropaolo
Acting Deputy Principal – Wellbeing

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