College News & Events

Theatre News – ‘The Children’

September 18, 2024

Some of our Year 10-12 students attended a matinee presentation of Black Swan Theatre Company’s, ‘The Children’ on Saturday 14 September. The drama set in a humble cottage on a cliff edge in the UK, was penned by British playwright, Lucy Kirkwood. It was inspired by events of Japan’s Fukushima nuclear reactor disaster. The play opens when Rose, a retired nuclear physicist, unexpectedly visits her former colleagues, married couple, Hazel and Robin. Tensions escalate as secrets surface and difficult questions are posed. The play’s emotional impact is heightened by its exploration of the ethical dilemmas faced by the trio in the aftermath of a nuclear disaster.

Students found the play to be challenging, yet its poignancy and dark humour made the subject matter more accessible and relatable. For some of the students, it was their first experience of live theatre. They appreciated the minimalist set design and the dark framing which evoked a sense of the characters’ entrapment. ‘The Children’ not only entertained but also provoked thoughtful questions and conversations about the implications of our actions on future generations.

Ms Ann Franich
Teacher – English Learning Area

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