College News & Events

Top 20 In-Demand Occupations & Pathway Planning

August 24, 2023

With Semester One behind us our:

  • Year 12s are applying for university, TAFE, apprenticeships, jobs etc. – planning their post school pathways
  • Year 11s have been selecting their Year 12 subjects with some considering post school pathways offered by the UniReady, Certificate IV and Onsite programmes
  • Year 10s have been thoroughly engaged in the upper school subject selection process.

It has been wonderful and rewarding to observe and assist students as so many enthusiastically engage in developing their individual career pathway plans. As part of the planning process, it can help to be aware of the occupations most in demand across Australia – refer to the list below from a recent Jobs and Skills Australia report. A key fact to note list is the broad variety of education and training pathways into the listed occupations, there is close to a 50/50 split between university and TAFE pathways. For Career Advisors this means there are a range of options (ATAR, non-ATAR etc.) to advise students and parents when planning subject selections and post school applications.      

Parents and students interested in exploring pathways into these occupations are welcomed and encouraged to contact Mr O’Mara ( and/or Mrs Firns ( at Chisholm Career Services.

  1. Registered Nurses
  2. Software and applications programmers
  3. Aged and disabled carers
  4. Child carers
  5. Construction managers
  6. Motor mechanics
  7. Retail managers
  8. Chefs
  9. Generalist medical practitioners
  10. Metal fitters and machinists
  11. ICT business and systems analysts
  12. Civil engineering professionals
  13. Electricians
  14. Early childhood (pre-primary school) teachers
  15. Contract program and project administrators
  16. Advertising and marketing professionals
  17. Physiotherapists
  18. Gardeners
  19. Mining Engineering
  20. Database & systems administrators and ICT security specialists

Mr Mark O’Mara
Careers & VET Coordinator

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