College News & Events

Totem Poles on the College Campus

May 5, 2022

Students and staff returned to the College this term to a new feature on campus outside the Graham Cooney Centre for Learning Diversity, in the heart of the school – the three beautiful Totem Poles.

The project came to light in early 2021 after the Reflective Space was developed at the front of the school.

The artwork on the Totem Poles was designed by our current Year 10 student Shantaya Ryder and our Aboriginal Liaison Officer, Emily Smith. Each Totem represents the College Values Character, Learning and Compassion with the Nyoongar translation Walkoo (Character), Kadidjiny (Learning) and Koort (Compassion). The colours used on the Totem Poles represent the colours of the land and water and that of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flag.

Shantaya was inspired by her dad who is an Aboriginal artist. Shantaya grew up seeing his art, which had an impact on her pieces for two of the Totems.

Shantaya said that, “I feel very proud to share my artwork and my culture. Now everyone in the school can see it”.

Special thanks to all the staff involved for their valuable contribution to this project which represents a collaboration of the College Values and the Aboriginal Education Programme to promote Reconciliation within the College community.

Miss Amy McGuire
Aboriginal Liaison Officer

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