College News & Events

Uniform Rescue

April 24, 2024

Please note that the College is partnering with Uniform Rescue this year to collect ONLY the College Summer Dresses that are no longer required due to the new uniform. In fact, this is why Uniform Rescue started and please click here if you would like to read their latest newsletter and for further information on their organisation. So, if you would like to donate your College Summer Dress/es which will be distributed to those in need overseas, please follow the below instructions. College Summers Dress/es:

  1. must be CLEAN and in a WEARABLE condition, otherwise it won’t be accepted and will be returned immediately so you don’t contribute to landfill overseas
  2. must be packaged as per Uniform Rescue requirements which is noted in their newsletter. In summary the College Summer Dress/es need to be folded and packed in reusable and sealable NON-PLASTIC BAGS (backpacks for example) which makes them easy to transport and don’t create plastic-based waste overseas
  3. will ONLY be collected at the following times as they will be picked up at lunchtime on the same day: WEDNESDAY 1 MAY (Wk 2.3) before school between 7:30am-8:25am AND at Recess.

Thank you for playing your part in transitioning to the new uniform items and donating your College Summer Dresses to students in need overseas. 

Ms Taniya Rodrigues
Deputy Principal – Community

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