College News & Events

Upcoming Event: LifeLink Day

June 15, 2023

Each year the Chisholm Catholic College community supports and celebrates LifeLink Day through fundraising, collections of donated items and festivities including the House Skit with chants and challenges. This year’s Theme for the day is “Compassionand we will emphasise both the importance of small donations and how acts of kindness add up and make a real difference!

Each student is asked to donate to our Archbishop’s Charity LifeLink in two ways:

  1. $2 contribution
  2. Contributions of food items. Each year group will have a focus, however all donations of non-perishable food items will be accepted.
  • Students and staff are invited to wear their House Shirts (with appropriate other attire)
  • Everyone donates a minimum of $2 (collected in PCG prior or on the day) for the LifeLink Appeal.
  • Everyone bring in plenty of non-perishable food donations: these will be included in two House Challenges and the Year Group House Donations Line Challenge. We request, but don’t insist on the following donations:

Mr John Swindells
Deputy Principal – Mission

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