College News & Events

Year 10 Female Students – PPEP Talk®

August 18, 2022

On Wednesday, our Year 10 female students attended a positive, engaging and educational presentation by Emma from PPEP Talk® (Periods, Pain and Endometriosis Program) regarding periods and pelvic pain. The informative talk discussed normal menstruation, the neuroscience of pain, how to recognise when pelvic pain symptoms are abnormal and when to look further for help. Most importantly, the presentation provided our students with self-management strategies that can help them manage their pain now and in the future.

Building on the knowledge students gained from the talk, PPEP Talk® offers an online session via Zoom for students who identify their pain as not normal and require further support. These sessions are held each month by Gynaecologist and Pain Specialist, Dr Susan Evans, with the next session on Wednesday 16 November at 5.00pm. You can register for the upcoming session here:

I encourage parents to chat with their daughter about what they learnt, in particular about some of the pain management strategies they could apply in their lives.

Mrs Simone Firns
Acting Head of Year 10

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