College News & Events

Year 10 Pastoral Care Retreat

March 10, 2023

On Thursday 2 March, the Year 10s were joined by their Pastoral Care Advisors and the Youth Mission Team for their annual Pastoral Care Retreat. The theme was “Called by Christ”. We began with a Retreat Mass celebrated by Fr Zyggy who was assisted by our awesome Year 10 Chisholm Ministers. The day involved several games and a few skits involving YMT members and brave Year 10 volunteers designed to express valuable messages about God’s call for relationship through prayer and faith. We also had three small group sessions which enabled space for students to share their thoughts on various topics. Music, video clips and an opportunity to conclude the day with a prayer and an icy pole helped round off this retreat.

Thank you to everyone involved in the day, especially our Year 10 PCAs, Ms Martin (Head of Year 10), Mrs Millimaci and members of our Campus Ministry Team (namely, Mrs Tammy Nguyen and Sister Chau) for helping make the day a joy to be part of.

Mr John Swindells
Deputy Principal – Mission

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