College News & Events

Year 10 Try-a-Trade Day

June 9, 2022

Deciding what to do after school can be a difficult decision and some students aren’t aware of all the options available to them.

Last week a group of our Year 10 students had the opportunity to Try-a-Trade. This is a career pathway event especially designed to provide Perth students with an opportunity to ‘have a go’ at various skill and trade occupations.

Students travelled to the Swan Trade Training Centre and participated in a variety of activities that gave them access to some of the basic skills in the trades of Building and Construction, Electrotechnology and Engineering (Heavy Fabrication). The first activity involved our students creating a steel toolbox, which required a great deal of precision and attention to detail. The staff at the event were very impressed with not only the high skill level of our students, but their politeness, enthusiasm and willingness to learn.

We congratulate the students for their manner in which they represented our College and hope they now have a better understanding of the types of trades available and the career pathway they may wish to pursue.

Mrs Simone Firns & Mr Mark O’Mara
Career Services

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