On Wednesday, Noongar elder Bruce Loo came in and spoke to the Year 7s about the Boornoo Wangkiny (Message Sticks).
Bruce explained to the students that Boornoo Wangkiny were a form of communication between tribes across all of Australia. They were used to ask for permission to go on other tribe’s lands and also to alert tribes of celebrations, deaths, funerals or any alerts about other tribes. There are two Boornoo Wangkiny when exchanging messages. One is the stick that will be given to other tribes with their message and identity on it and the other is what they keep while travelling which identifies them.
All Year 7 PCGs received two sticks which they will carry with their PCG throughout their College life. One Boornoo Wangkiny is the stick that the Year 7s will design which will stay with them and they will slowly add to until Year 12. The other stick contains the College Values.
After Bruce blessed everyone, he told them that they need to hold their Boornoo Wangkiny and think of the energy they want to put into the stick, an energy that will be carried with them throughout their Chisholm life.
We are excited to see the progress for each Boornoo Wangkiny and how they will look at their graduation in 2028.
Miss Amy McGuire
Aboriginal Education Liaison Officer