College News & Events

Year 7 First Day

February 3, 2023

Wednesday 1 February saw the first day for Year 7s at Chisholm for 2023. The students coped extremely well with the transition to high school and the staff were so impressed with their resilience and positive start to the school year. Their Pastoral Care Advisors, Library staff, IT staff and Year 11 Peer Support Leaders guided them through the day in setting up lockers, computers and introducing them to life at Chisholm. Students shared lunch with their Peer Support Leaders and fostered lots of new friendships.

I would particularly like to thank the Year 7 Pastoral Care Advisors and Mrs Pietropaolo (Deputy Principal of Year 7) for all their efforts in making the students feel welcomed. A special thanks must also go to Miss Mohen and the Year 11 Peer Support Leaders who gave up a day of their school holidays to ‘train’ as peer supporters and then did a wonderful job assisting the Year 7s yesterday. Finally, I would like to thank Year 10 Assistant Prefects who cooked lunch for the Year 7s on their first day.

Congratulations Year 7s on a wonderful start to life at Chisholm!

Mr Nic Italiano
Head of Year 7

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