College News & Events

Year 7 Games Afternoon

May 16, 2024

On Tuesday, our Student Community Relations Committee hosted a Year 7 Games Afternoon. The Games Afternoon was designed for students to meet new people and solidify their transition to high school. Nearly 100 Year 7s joined us for the afternoon and was entertained by participating in games such as dodgeball, Weet-Bix eating challenges and table tennis. At the end of the afternoon, students shared pizza and stories on how the event unfolded. The event was a great success and was thoroughly enjoyed by those in attendance.

A big thank you to Mr Tristan Mamotte and the Community Relations Committee and Prefects who did such a wonderful job coordinating the event. In addition, thank you to the PCAs and extra staff who came to help supervise and assist throughout the afternoon.

Mr Adam Williamson
Head of Year 7

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