College News & Events

Year 7 Immunisations and Year 10 Catch-Ups

August 7, 2024

Year 7 Immunisations will be held on Monday 12 August and Tuesday 13 August in B01 and B02. 

Keenan, Laurence and O’Sullivan are scheduled for Monday. Prendiville and Year 10 Catch-ups are scheduled for Tuesday. Students who are being immunised are permitted to wear their House Uniform on that allocated day.

Students will assemble in PCGs in the upstairs foyer of B01 at an allocated time (students are aware of the schedule), and those who have registered consent will receive their immunisation before going back to class. Students who are not being immunised will attend class.

Year 7 students will be receiving the HPV (human papilloma virus) and dTpa (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) vaccinations.

More detailed information for parents can be found by clicking  letter for parents SBIP 21032024.pdf  or visiting following website:

Please contact Mr Williamson or Mrs Millimaci if there are any queries.

Mr Fiona Millimaci
Deputy Principal – Wellbeing

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