College News & Events

Year 7 Pastoral Care Retreat

February 11, 2022

Chisholm Catholic College welcomed the Graduating Class of 2027 into the College last week. Our bright eyed and fresh looking Year 7s’ faces were covered with masks for the most part, yet many eyes smiled and they seemed to be landing on their feet well so far. An important part of their first week in Chisholm was to learn and be immersed in the faith culture of the College.

The Campus Ministry Team, made up of Mr Panizza, Mrs Wainwright, Mrs Bell, Fr Zyggy and myself, together with the Year 7 Pastoral Care Advisors and Head of Year, Mr Italiano, hosted the day of colour, reflection, prayer, orientation, sharing and even a little healthy competition.

The Heads of House: Ms Re (Keenan – Blue), Ms Galea (Laurence – Yellow), Ms Kalache (O’Sullivan – Green) and Ms Anderson (Prendiville – Red) shared their respective House Patron’s story, House Motto, prayer and sprouted some passionate House Spirit in their newest members. The famous House Chant Competition, much to the delight of the green shirts was awarded to O’Sullivan House.

Mr John Swindells
Deputy Principal – Mission

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