College News & Events

Celebrating Our Student Leaders

September 18, 2024

On Tuesday, we celebrated our 2024 Student Leaders. At the Final Lunch, our House Leaders, Committee Leaders and Executive Leadership Team joined in thanking our Year 12 Prefects and Year 10 Assistant Prefects for their service and contribution to the College this year.

The leadership of our 2024 Student Leaders has been outstanding. Their collaboration as a team, unwavering commitment and strong work ethic have been commendable. They have represented themselves, their peers and Chisholm Catholic College in an exemplary fashion. Being part of their leadership journey and witnessing their growth and development as strong, confident leaders has been an honour and filled me with pride.

Thank you to our House Leaders and Committee Leaders for guiding our Student Leaders this year and working with them on various portfolios, providing an enriching experience for our students, offering an array of opportunities, activities and events for our student body and contributing to a great community environment.

A huge thank you to all those who work behind the scenes to organise not just this amazing Final Lunch but also the many student leadership events throughout the year. Thank you to Mrs Grace Monterosso and her team for their delicious and professional catering. Thank you to Mrs Aimee Iacusso and Mrs Jill Collins for all their organisation, creativity and invaluable work to ensure the Lunch and all College events run smoothly. Our Community Relations Team is ever-present to capture Chisholm moments – thank you Sr Chau Ho and Mr Marco Ieritano.

I look forward to working with our Year 10 Assistant Prefects for a few more weeks this year. We farewell our Year 12 Prefects and wish them all the very best as they embark on a new journey. May they continue to shine and make a difference in the world.

Mrs Fiona Millimaci
Deputy Principal – Wellbeing

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