Prior to school on the morning of Ash Wednesday, our College Chaplain, Father Zyggy, gathered with staff and Chisholm Ministers to bless the ashes. These ashes were the burnt remains of last year’s Palm Sunday Palms.
The College split into our four Houses of Keenan, Laurence, O’Sullivan and Prendiville in four locations throughout the College, to mark the beginning of Lent with a beautiful Liturgy of the Word, distribution of the ashes and our launch of 2023 Project Compassion.
Big thanks to our Campus Ministry Team, our Heads of House and senior Chisholm Ministers for arriving early and playing such an important role in leading prayers, reading, distribution of the ashes and in managing the projection and sound for our respective House Services.
The 40 days ahead are an opportunity to Grow In Christ with a focus on prayer, penance, fasting, and alms giving (generosity, especially in support of Project Compassion).
Mr John Swindells
Deputy Principal – Mission