LifeLink is the Archbishop’s charitable organisation that provides assistance to around 48,000 families and individuals each year in WA.
LifeLink Day was celebrated at Chisholm on Friday 23 June. Each House created artwork based on the theme ‘Compassion’ and participated in a ‘line of donations competition’ which measured the many items we were donating to LifeLink.
This was followed by an assembly involving each House performing their House Skit and Chant Challenge, reflecting both House Spirit and College Values.
Congratulations to everyone for their support and participation. Special thanks must go to the House Leaders: Ms Jasmine Re (Keenan House); Mr James Kerr (Laurence House); Mr Zac Hill (O’Sullivan House) and Ms Alicia Anderson (Prendiville House) for their wonderful job coordinating their House. I am grateful to the Social Justice Committee, led by Mr Lucas Phillips and Mr Andrew Panizza for their assistance in sorting out the donations.
Mr John Swindells
Deputy Principal – Mission