Chisholm Catholic College welcomed the Graduating Class of 2028 to the College last week and importantly immersed them into key aspects of our faith culture with their Pastoral Care Retreat that took place last Friday.
The format of the day included: a reiteration of the welcome to Chisholm, a reminder of our College Values, an explanation of the Mass, an introduction to and rehearsal of our College Anthem, the taking of their Year 7 Class photo, their first Year Group Mass together, a commitment to their Chisholm Care Programme, an induction into their respective House and the all important House Chant Competition to conclude the day. The students were outstanding throughout the day, however in a very loud and close contest, it was Keenan House who took out this year’s House Chant Competition!
Big thanks to all contributors to the day, especially our Pastoral Care Advisors, Mr Italiano (Head of Year 7), Fr Zyggy (College Chaplain), Mr Leak (Choir leader), Mr Panizza (Head of Religious Education), Mrs Bell (Chisholm Care Coordinator), Mr Alagic (Camp Coordinator), and our Heads of House – Ms Re (Keenan), Mr Kerr (Laurence), Mr Hill (O’Sullivan) and Ms Anderson (Prendiville),
Mr John Swindells
Deputy Principal – Mission