College News & Events

Year 10 Reconnection Day and My Future Day

June 13, 2024

On Thursday and Friday last week, we welcomed back the Year 10s from their study leave and exams with the Reconnection and My Future Days.

Reconnection Day

The students were provided the opportunity to reconnect with AdventureWorks WA staff at Riverside Gardens in Bayswater. This allowed them to reconnect both physically and mentally to the themes and experiences from last year’s camp, reflecting on their own personal growth and looking forward to their final two years of school. Students were also able to make wonderful memories with their PCG whilst indoor rock climbing and simply walking around the Swan River.

My Future Day

My Future Day was future-focussed and informative, with students engaged by various guest speakers who provided insights into their chosen careers. They learnt about WACE, ATAR and Pathways which will all be important when it comes to choosing their subjects for Year 11. The room was buzzing when students were handed their Year 11 Course Handbook. Students then had the opportunity to rotate through a series of presentations they had chosen prior, including sessions on Health and Physical Sciences, Work/Onsite/Apprenticeships, TAFE and an ATAR Specialist Session.

These sessions were presented by our knowledgeable and experienced staff at the College and students had the opportunity to ask questions and even complete a draft subject selection.

Both of these days require planning and organisation and would not have been possible without the staff who worked tirelessly to make sure both events ran smoothly and were an educational and enjoyable experience for our Year 10 students. I would like to thank all the Year 10 students who through their enthusiasm made the day enjoyable for both staff and students.

Mr Kyle Bussanich
Acting Head of Year 10

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